PATCH uninorth3 (G5) agp support

Jerome Glisse j.glisse at
Mon Dec 27 01:12:00 EST 2004

Here's a patch which adds AGP support to i think all G5 at
least uninorth3 chipset. If you could test it even if i am quite
confident there is no bug in it :)

I also cleaned up a bit the old uninorth by using PAGE_SHIFT,
PAGE_MASK and other defined macro where they shoud have
been used.

Ben i corrected the issue i got with fan, i was writting some
wrong magic in wrong place.

So you should have agp enable with this patch, thus if anyone
with a g5 & r200 would test the dri to see if it could successfull
use the agp for the video card. Anyother way to test it ?

If you use Xorg you may need to add this to your conf file if
you see that you font are corrupted (it seems there is a bug
somewhere in dri)

Option "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect"

Jerome Glisse
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