
Steven Blakeslee BlakesleeS at embeddedplanet.com
Wed Jul 23 01:38:41 EST 2003

Was one of the sectors you erased the first sector?  If so that is your
problem, the hard reset word is located in the beginning of the first
sector.  To fix this you need to do the following.

1. There is a resistor that is removed from the board at location RO2.  This
resistor sets the default hard reset word.  You have to put a 0ohm resistor
at this location, a solder glob will also work.
2. Download the Planet Core FLASH burner and execute it.  Give the command
hrw to reburn the hard reset word.  If the processor is 233MHz or higher
give the command hrw h.
3. Remove the 0ohm resistor(or solder glob) at RO2.

-----Original Message-----
From: deepesh at india.tejasnetworks.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:33 AM
Subject: EP8260

  I loaded my EP8260 board with UBOOT. This was working fine. Then I
loaded a binary into RAM using tftp. Then tried copying the stuff to
flash. When I could not copy things into flash directly, I erased a few
sectors randomly and then copied the binary to flash. Then when I reset
the board, it did not come up.

I put back the u-boot into the flash using BDI2000. But now I am getting
weird characters on the screen. I have looked at the minicom settings--
It is 115200 and 8N1. These were the settings with which I was working
before also. What I am not able to understand is the reason for the
weird characters.

I am attaching the weird character file. The last line seems to be the
U-BOOT prompt. I tried changing the TERMINAL SETTINGS to ANSI from
VT100, but it did not help.
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