Nasty ATI/tulip interaction

David A. Gatwood dgatwood at
Fri Mar 15 09:40:08 EST 2002

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Michel Lanners wrote:

> Any specific reason to stay with a 2.2 kernel? I can run 2.4.18 mainline
> straight-Linus (sorry, straight-Marcello) on my 7600, with a Promise as
> well.

Ran into nasty problems booting with BootX on a G4, as I was trying to
have exactly the same environment on my G4 as I was going to have on the
PowerBase.  Then, I finaly got the PowerBase.  So basically, it was legacy
from having needed to get the system up and running before the final
machine actually arrived.  Caused some hiccups.

> Hmmm.. should have worked, though. Didn't see any obvious errors. Try a
> 2.4 kernel (did I say that before?), if that fails also, I'd say you
> have a hardware bug somewhere that needs to be worked around....

Probably.  I ran into several.  Anyway, got the thing working.  :-)


David A. Gatwood                                dgatwood at
Developer Docs Writer                             dgatwood at
Apple Computer                                  dgatwood at

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