Conflicts between network and Matrox G450

Jan Smith smith at
Wed Jan 23 01:02:34 EST 2002

I have a IBM pSeries 610 where I try to install a Matrox G450 card
aka GXT130P in IBM language.
The machine is working fine with a RedHat Linux run via a terminal
but when you are using the graphics card will the network interface
not start at all.

Any one who have used a Matrox G450 with ppclinux?

Jan Smith                              Email:  smith at
Cendio Systems AB                      WWW:
Teknikringen 3,                        Voice:  +46 - (0)13 - 21 46 00
SE-583 30  LINKĂ–PING, SWEDEN           Fax:    +46 - (0)13 - 21 47 00

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