idebus=133 ?

Tony 'Nicoya' Mantler nicoya at
Tue Oct 23 05:38:41 EST 2001

At 2:29 PM -0500 10/22/01, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
>For now, those are PCI based exclusively and Apple's
>PCI bus connectors are always 33Mhz. But we should
>keep an eye on that.

I thought Apple put a 66MHz PCI slot in some G3 systems for the video card,
before switching to AGP.

Of course, it's usually filled with a video card rather than an IDE card,
but who knows how some people might want to reconfigure their systems.

Cheers - Tony 'Nicoya' Mantler :)

Tony "Nicoya" Mantler - Renaissance Nerd Extraordinaire - nicoya at
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada           -- 

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