Sound skips

Giuliano Pochini pochini at
Fri Mar 30 01:39:27 EST 2001

> OK.  So nothing much has changed since I last tried it - note that those
> patches take scheduling latency below 1ms on x86.

This means the bad code is in the "small" arch-dependdent part
of the kernel.

> maybe we do have some IRQ blocking as well (I haven't had time to benchmark
> that at 2.4.x - it's on the TODO list).
>>(if it doesn't involve libtool).
> hmmm.  Have you got any idea what libtool does that is different ?

Not yet. I'll look for it ASA I have time.

> (does strace work at the moment?)

Yes it does. The only uncommon thing I can see is a huge number of
calls to rt_sigprocmask().

> mmap-ing files is "bad news" even with the LL patches (IIRC).

I didn't know that.

>> I tried to lower the fragment size to 9 (512B==0.012s) and it skips
>> even when the system is completely idle.
> I don't know what UI you are using but...

I wrote a small prog to play aiffs from disk.

> does this occur each second (i.e. related to, for example, updating a clock
> on screen) ... or
> every 20/30 seconds or so - perhaps related to sync() ?

I don't know... It seems quite random, but I have some stuff running in
the taskbar. I'll check better.

    Giuliano Pochini ->)|(<- Shiny Network {AS6665} ->)|(<-

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