javac and "package not found error"

Alain Birtz abz at
Sat Jan 20 02:00:29 EST 2001

The swing application work great with MacOS and CodeWarrior.
But when I try to compile the same application with javac under Linux
I got "package not found error".

The first error message was for the "import javax.swing.*".
Setting -classpath to /usr/lib/netbeans21/lib21/swingall.tar solve this
line error.
But now javac complaint about every other import line.

The Sun site say that Java class are all in rt.jar. But I cannot found
any such
file in my HD. It seem that jdk was installed: /usr/lib hold a directory
called jdk1.1.8

Is there something like a default classpath ?

What can I do to solve this problem ?

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