iBook's daca mixer, was Re: sources

Christof Petig christof at petig-baender.de
Fri Jan 12 19:39:23 EST 2001

Conrad H Ziesler wrote:

> here's the code i've been using.  probably you need to add a few bits to
> feature.c in addition to this stuff to enable power to the audio device.
> if you unpack the tar file at the
> base of your linux source tree, you should get an i2c-0.1 directory,
> typing make in there should give you a czi2c.o and dmasound.o modules.
> i use aumix to test the mixer.

Hi Conrad,

I did some minimal porting to 2.4.0 (just make it compile) and will
(perhaps this evening?) port your changes to the 2.4 Version of dmasound
(the split up one (dmasound_awacs.c & co)). And I plan to compare the code
with Darwin's.
Yes, I was able to turn off sound by fiddling with the mixer, but no way to
turn it on again ... (I did not yet look at the feature bits)
And changing the pcm2 volume in aumix changed the balance (indicates a bug
somewhere ...)

Here's the minimal patch for 2.4 to make it compile


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