firewire screwup

Marcus O.C. Metzler mocm at
Wed Aug 29 19:43:20 EST 2001

Timothy A. Seufert writes:
 > I think you may have corrupted nonvolatile memory.  Try doing a
 > complete PRAM wipe: turn the computer on while holding Cmd+Opt+P+R
 > and let it do several reboot / PRAM wipe cycles in a row.  Five or
 > six is probably enough.  (The first PRAM wipe doesn't clear
 > everything.  The firmware watches to see if you do several in a row
 > and will do successively more thorough resets on each iteration.)
 > --
 > Tim Seufert

I tried 6 cycles of the PRAM wipe, but still get the SELFID Timeout in
open firmware and no boot of any MacOs. I also tried disconnecting the
power and taking out the battery, still the same problem.
Maybe I should mention that I have flashed the latest firmware some
time ago, but I didn't have any problems with it, although there had
been some reports, but mainly about trouble with memory chips.


Dr. Marcus Metzler
mocm at           
mocm at          

Convergence Integrated Media GmbH
Rosenthaler Str. 51
D-10178 Berlin

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