Xvideo acceleration: GATOS for PPC?

Josh Huber huber at debian.org
Wed Aug 29 07:39:48 EST 2001

Michel Lanners <mlan at cpu.lu> writes:

> (II) R128(0): Cannot access BIOS: info->VBIOS==NULL.

Yeah, I just looked at this.  Same problem on mach64, it finds that
the VBIOS pointer is NULL, reports it, and happily tries to
dereference it a couple lines down. (hence the segfault)

alert, this may be a cheap hack, but it makes the xvideo module work
great on my Lombard. (attached)

now, it looks like that code is duplicated throughout the r128_video.c
and radeon_video.c file as well, so you might want to try changing
that too. (for r128)


Josh Huber                                   | huber at debian.org |
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