About TAU
Michel Lanners
mlan at cpu.lu
Sun Aug 19 20:03:31 EST 2001
Hi there,
Attached is a small patch that 'beautifies' the TAU options in the
kernel configuration (proper indent for TAU's suboptions). Ben, Paul,
could you push that part?
Also, Troy, would you mind adding a Config.help text for the TAU
options? I agree it's WIP and not all done yet; but at least we should
document that then ;-) It seems to me in PPC land we have the bad habit
of never providing Config.help texts... It's not done initially, and
when the feature stabilizes, it gets pushed to Linus without help texts
and stays that way forever. (hint, hint to all that haven't done the
help texts ;-)
Something else about an eventual TAU usage: Troy writes '...use cpu load
(from scheduler) and ICTC to extend battery life...'. That could
probably be done via something like i386's kapm_idled (kernel thread to
burn cycles efficiently, basically). Does that sound feasible?
Anybody know of any adverse effects of using ICTC to slow the CPU?
Bogompis and the kernel delay loop come to mind; don't know whether
those would need to be adjusted... which would be quite difficult, I
Michel Lanners | " Read Philosophy. Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes | Ask Questions. Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg |
email mlan at cpu.lu |
http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan | Learn Always. "
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