XFree86 4.0 auf imac dv
Thomas Graichen
news-innominate.list.linux.ppc.dev at innominate.de
Sun Sep 17 01:05:33 EST 2000
Thomas Graichen <news-innominate.list.linux.ppc.dev at innominate.de> wrote:
> does anyone here have XFree86 4 running suscessfully on a imac dv (or
> blueberry which should be basically the same)? - i ask because i tried
> the DRI test server from michael daenzer and get problems with the
> screen: it shows only the left half and also shows this half again
> on the right side - the mousecursor is moving fine over the full
> screen btw.
> some more details about the setup: latest paulus kernel, XF86Config
> standard for a r128 card (the card is an 8mb r128 rl) - if you need
> any more information please let me know ...
> so has anyone else seen this too or has it working on a similar
> machine ... i just wanted to know this before i start looking
> deeper
ok - it works with an own built tree of XFree86 4.0.1 plus the
ppc additions mentioned at linuxppc.org
question: is all the r128 ppc dri stuff in that tree (rsync
penguinppc.org::xfree86-pmac) too or are there any extra patches
required to get it working?
a lot of thanks in advance
thomas.graichen at innominate.de
technical director innominate AG
clustering & security networking people
tel: +49.30.308806-13 fax: -77 http://innominate.de
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