Speech Recogniton
Geiser, Ian
geiseri at msoe.edu
Sat Sep 16 00:17:50 EST 2000
On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Timothy A. Seufert wrote:
> At 4:57 AM -0400 9/14/00, Michael Norton wrote:
> >hi,
> >
> >Do any libraries exist that allow me to use the Apple Speech recognition
> >hardware under LinuxPPC?
> Sorry, there is no hardware (aside from a simple digitizer to capture
> the sound of course). Apple's speech recognition is 100% software.
> The original implementation on 68K Macs used an AT&T DSP coprocessor
> to do the crunching because the 68K didn't have enough oomph to do it
> by itself, but the PowerPC implementation relies on nothing but the
> CPU.
on the off chance that you can get sound input
to work under LinuxPPC (i have a pimiso pb so it cant AFAIK)
try checking on freshmeat. There are a few programs
that can do voice control. One of them is called voicecontrol
i think.
I have only played with festival which can to Text to speech.
-ian reinhart geiser
| Ian Reinhart Geiser - Computer Engineering Student|
| HOME: <geiseri at msoe.edu> |
| WORK: <geiseri at linuxppc.com> |
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