PATCH: improved processor config for G3s
Michel Lanners
mlan at
Tue Sep 5 04:51:52 EST 2000
On 4 Sep, this message from Gabriel Paubert echoed through cyberspace:
>> Later on, a Moto person told me there was no known grackle bug about
>> store gathering, but that the CPU ABE was needed for proper operations. I
>> also suspect that store gathering increase the effect of PCI write
>> posting, and older versions of the Adaptec drivers were not correctly
>> taking this into account on sime timing critical accesses.
> I'd rather take the Moto version. The problem is that store gathering
> should be inhibited if there is an eieio instruction between two
> successive stores which may be gathered. However, the eieio instruction
> is not propagated to the bus by all processors, it is by the 604 and 7400
> (and 601 IIRC), not by the 603/603e/750. I can't remember offhand if ABE
> enables eieio broadcasts on the 750, but it seems so from what Motorola
> claims.
IBM's 740/750 User's Manual states on page 2-12, in the table about ABE:
"Affected instructions are eieio, sync, dcbi, dcbf and dcbst. A sync
instruction completes only after a successfull broadcast. Execution of
eieio causes a brodcast that may be used to prevent any external
devices, such as a bus bridge chip, from store gathering"
So it seems that to prevent store gathering in bus bridges across eieio
on the 750, you need to set ABE.
Michel Lanners | " Read Philosophy. Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes | Ask Questions. Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg |
email mlan at | | Learn Always. "
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