asm statement in include/asm not ansi conform

Benjamin Herrenschmidt bh40 at
Fri Sep 1 03:24:42 EST 2000

>after some testing dri works now. On startup X says "dri enabled" and
>glinfo shows many supported GL functions. But at least when running
>"gears" for example, I get no accelaration at all. Still 60 frames per
>second - same as with software rendering. I also have a P-III/500 box with
>Rage128 (AGP) witch produces 400 frames! Glxinfo says something like "RGB
>error" and breaks.

There's no support for the AGP bus mastering on PowerMac yet. I've been
running into trouble implementing that due to differences between what
the linux /dev/agpgart driver expect an AGP chipset to do, and what
Apple's UniNorth can actually do.

I plan (this week-end) to look more closely at the r128 DRI code to see
how it uses the AGP and possibly implement a pmac-specific driver (at
least for now. Once I have working code, I can try to get the existing /
dev/agpgart driver redesigned).


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