BMAC driver issue addressed?
Wolfgang Denk
wd at
Tue Oct 31 07:12:30 EST 2000
In message <19340924122936.4247 at> you wrote:
> something like that. There is another problem, which is documented in
> Darwin, and which cause the chip to corrupt packets in the chip's send
> queue when there's a collision. The workaround they use is to send
> additional packet datas to the chip from the chip send interrupt instead
> of the DBDMA interrupt, thus preventing more than 1 packet to be queued
> in the chip.
Has this been ever implemented in the Linxu BMAC driver? All kernel
versiosn I've tested so far still suffer from that problem. I'd be
more than happy if there was a fix available...
Wolfgang Denk
Software Engineering: Embedded and Realtime Systems, Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87 Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88 Email: wd at
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