bad vidmode on debian install

jpgarcia at jpgarcia at
Wed Nov 8 10:04:09 EST 2000

On  8 Nov, Steven Hanley wrote:
> it is a Mach 64 video card
>> Do you have 834x624 and more than 8 bit color depth? If yes, change the
>> resolution or set the color depth to 8 bit.
> wouldnt doing this involve the passing of a video=atyfb:vmode:8 or some such
> ?

vmode for resolution, using values available in nvvideo's manpage
cmode for color mode (bit count works).

in reference to the nervous text, I get this on my PDQ when the mclk is
set incorrectly.  this can be specified using the mclk: param.  my
cmdline is "video=atyfb:vmode:14,cmode:32,mclk:100", but I am aware that
earlier systems, even wallstreets use smaller mclk values.  the
default/autodetect in the kernel does not work for me.  could try 83 or
60, two other fairly successful values IIRC.

Hope this is helpful.

Joseph P. Garcia      jpgarcia at      jpgarcia at
CS Undergraduate                      Student Employee - Systems Programmer
University of Wisconsin - Madison                            UW Lidar Group

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