Please bang on GNU Parted ;-)
Simon Piette
spiette at
Sun Nov 5 02:59:23 EST 2000
The backend seems to be rock-solid. I've tried to resize a mounted
partitions and parted refuse. I've also tried to resize a partition
filled with 96M to 64M and parted refuse. Is there a test suite for
parted so it could be more systematic?
I am some concerns about the interface, though. At this stage, parted is
like a very sharp knife, without handle. It slices, it dices, but watch
your fingers! :-)
- parted execute right away each command. IMHO, a "commit" command would
be much more safe. At least for 1.4.0 final, parted should print a
warning, such as "CAUTION: Commands are executed right away!".
- It should have a read-only switch, so the user could be sure to not
mess its partition table.
- It would be nice to have the "print" command to display sizes of each
- parted needed to be started with a device. Why not start parted in
interactive mode anymway, so then the user will ba able to select a
I really liked the "mkpartfs" and "cp" command, and I expect parted to be
the disk partitioning tool of choice among the PPC Linux community. Good
Simon Piette
* Andrew Clausen (clausen at [001103 17:00]:
> Hi all,
> I think GNU Parted is pretty stable now, but I'd be more than
> happy to be proven wrong ;-)
> (GNU Parted is allows you to manipulate partition tables, and resize
> ext2 partitions, and other things...)
> Thanks,
> Andrew Clausen
PGP key ID: 1024D/99290743 Simon Piette <spiette at>
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