ide_dmaproc - YaBoot

Henning Loeser Henning.Loeser at Physik.Uni-Marburg.DE
Sun May 28 23:20:30 EST 2000

On Fri, 26 May 2000, Michel Lanners wrote:
> Ohhhh, the lost interrupt problem... That was reported quite often
> recently. Anyone know what the fix is/was? It never ocured on my system,
> so I didn't bother... You might want to look through the list archives
> for the solution. Although, I wonder whether it wasn't specifically on
> the G4 systems when booted with the wrong booter, i.e. not relevant
> here...
What I found seems to have been related to not using yaboot. As I have a
'old 7500' with MacOS8.1 I thought BootX would be just fine. But maybe
not. Can I use yaboot on my machine? The WebPages are not very clear on
that part. BenH's site states that yaboot is onbly for 'NewWorld' macs,
but Eric's FAQ states that yaboot is for 'NewWorld' macs, but users of
earlier machines should consider switching if they encounter odd problems

Well I do encounter strange Problems ...

So should I go through the hassel of installing yaboot?


Henning Loeser					      Fachbereich Physik
email: henning.loeser at	      AG Oberflaechen
						      Philipps-Uni Marburg

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