Joseph Garcia jpgarcia at
Wed May 24 17:31:23 EST 2000

Stephan Leemburg wrote:
> Yes, it's activated with the -a flag (see pmud --help for details). I need
> to modify the manuals and /etc/power/apm. You must have a modified apm
> program to use it however, as the 'standard' apm programs all read from
> /proc/apm and this path is usually compile time determined...

I also found this kind of annoying.  And as far as I can tell, APM doesn't show
everything.  This is why I wrote a plugin for GKrellM that, using PMUD, displays
battery status in a window.  Its almost as good as Batmon, but smaller.  I know
this works on Wallstreet, PDQ, and Lombard, and have untested code for other
systems.  If you already used GKrellM, this is something to try.  And I still
need testers for systems I don't have access to.

Are there any other PMU-savvy monitors out there?


Joseph P. Garcia      jpgarcia at      jpgarcia at
CS Undergraduate                      Student Employee - Systems Programmer
University of Wisconsin - Madison                            UW Lidar Group

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