ppc assembler help needed

Andreas Tobler toa at pop.agri.ch
Tue May 16 01:54:28 EST 2000


I have some problems understanding the following code snippet. It is
from misc.S in kernel 2.3.

The function call is like this:

void _insl_ns(volatile u32 *port, u32 *buf, int nl)

        cmpw  0,r5,0
        mtctr   r5
        subi    r4,r4,4
00:     lwz     r5,0(r3)
        stwu    r5,4(r4)
        bdnz    00b

Am I right with port = r3, buf = r4, nl = r5?
If so, cmpw 0,r5,0 compares the content of r5, in my case nl, with zero
and stores the result in CR0?

What does blelr- exactly do? 'branch if less than or equal' according to
the 'Programming Environment for 32bit uPs' from Motorola.
Commenting out the cmpw and the blelr- line as in kernel-2.2, then the
function works. The values from nl are in the range from 10 to 20 (int).
So the the blelr- shouldn't happen.

The function in C looks a bit like: (Thanks to Paul)

void _insl_ns(volatile u32 *port, u32 *buf, int nl)
        if (nl <= 0)
        do {
                *buf++ = *port;
        } while (--nl != 0);

Thanks for any explanation


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