SMP/DayStar x4

Steven Hanley sjh at
Fri May 5 22:39:12 EST 2000

> only 2 processors are available.
> Can anyone set me straight?

very wrong, smp even back when it was added in 1.3.something could
handle more than two AFAIR, it was just very inefficient then. it is now
a lot more efficient and scales a lot better. Dave Miller was using it
on a 14 cpu ultra sparc pre 2.2.0 release, as for ppc, it works on 4 way
ppc, I have no idea how it will work on your specific hardware though.

	See You

sjh at
Look Up In The Sky
   Is it a bird?  No
      Is it a plane?  No
         Is it a small blue banana?

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