[cameron at senta.uchicago.edu: external video on powerbook g3 (lombard)]
erik cameron
cameron at senta.uchicago.edu
Tue Mar 28 07:32:16 EST 2000
sent this to linuxppc-user the other day, and i'm starting to wonder
whether i should have sent it to -dev to begin with. is there a
way to drive an external monitor from a lombard powerbook under
linux that i've missed, or is the code just not there? (i'm assuming
that the usb and/or sleeping code just doesn't support waking from
an external usb keyboard.)
----- Forwarded message from erik cameron <cameron at senta.uchicago.edu> -----
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 17:35:23 -0600
From: erik cameron <cameron at senta.uchicago.edu>
To: linuxppc-user at lists.linuxppc.org
Subject: external video on powerbook g3 (lombard)
X-Mailer: Mutt 1.0pre3i
hi all...
i'd like to run my powerbook g3 lid closed, with an external monitor,
keyboard and mouse; i haven't found any docs on doing this, and my
efforts haven't met with any success. the "normal" way of doing this
under macos (sleep, plug in monitor/keys/mouse, wake from ext. keys)
hasn't worked, as it doesn't seem the machine is able to wake from
an external usb keyboard. i'm running the 2.2.15pre11 kernel from
paul mackerras's linux-pmac-stable tree, and using the OFfb video
device. ("no video driver" checked in bootx.) tia...
erik cameron unix systems administrator
jfi/mrsec @ the university of chicago
e-cameron at uchicago.edu
http://senta.uchicago.edu/gnupg for public key
----- End forwarded message -----
erik cameron unix systems administrator
jfi/mrsec @ the university of chicago
e-cameron at uchicago.edu
http://senta.uchicago.edu/gnupg for public key
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