PB2000 (pismo) install feedback

Michael Schmitz schmitz at opal.biophys.uni-duesseldorf.de
Fri Mar 24 02:38:36 EST 2000

> >There's been a patch by Geert on this list to fix this - basically
> >subtract GUI_RESERVE from the determined vram size in atyfb.c for all 8 MB
> >Rage Pro (and possibly other) chips to prevent the screen clear from
> >stepping on the card registers.
> It's a different issue. This machine has a r128 and aty128fb works fine
> with the few fixes we added for the M3. The problem is with offb and seem
> to be related to some timing issues when accessing the DAC palette
> registers. Henry found a fix for this, I'll add this to my kernel asap.

OK, I didn't catch the point that the new PB has a rage128. You're lucky,


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