stty crtscts < /dev/ttyS1 [603ev]
cesli at
Thu Mar 23 22:17:08 EST 2000
Matt Haffner } >Try this syntax: "stty -F /dev/ttyS1 crtscts". There's a comment in the
Matt Haffner } >info doc for stty that letting the shell open the device may block in
Matt Haffner } >certain situations.
DeRobertis }
DeRobertis } Does not help. Same problem. Let me clarify "freeze", though. I mean it
DeRobertis } takes out the machine -- the kernel does not run processes. The machine
DeRobertis } might as well be turned off; it'd do as much good.
DeRobertis }
DeRobertis } Unfortunately, no oopses. No backtraces. No entries in
DeRobertis } /var/log/messages. Nothing. It just dies.
DeRobertis }
DeRobertis } A rather serious kernel bug, IMO.
DeRobertis }
DeRobertis } cc'd to l-k. It's 2.2.14 running on a ppp-603ev.
same story on my pb3400_603ev, but an old one, even with 2.1.85 as far as I remember correctly. The second try to influence ttyS0 via stty [now 2.2.14] stops everything as you described, a little bit annoying. Perhaps a problem of our special RS?
People like Paul M. have been working with a pb3400, do you know others?
greetings Claus
>45. Id. at 50-51; Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 21.
>On this occasion, the President ejaculated. Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 50-51.
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