PPC/MCA RS/6000 port ?

Dave Weis djweis at plconline.com
Tue Mar 21 23:50:44 EST 2000

On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Gabriel Paubert wrote:

> However, if the use direct store segments is _unavoidable_, significant
> kernel modifications are required.

I know we've (Gabriel and I) discussed this, but could you elaborate?
Based on what I've read in my docs, I think it is unavoidable. I'm getting
closer to having the boot process figured out. Once I've got some more
questions, I'm going to send my info to the list and see if my data looks


David Weis                | 10520 New York Ave, Des Moines, IA 50322
djweis at plconline.com      | Voice 515-278-0133 Ext 231
                          | http://www.perfectionlearning.com/

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