1 line kernel patch and new Xpmac now works on new sawtoothG4s !
Nelson Abramson
pogtal at erols.com
Tue Mar 14 07:58:58 EST 2000
"Kevin B. Hendricks" wrote:
Hey Kevin-
> Grab them from http://khendricks.ivey.uwo.ca/rage128pro/
> I will post source soon as soon as I get the Xfree 4.0 working with this card.
Overall, an excellent patch. I don't have words to express how much better the
video is :-)
The Xpmac.special and/or the aty128fb.c patch seem to have some console
weirdness. It seems to clobber the saved text when you switch from X back to the
console (I assume it's a weirdness w/ the vram...but that's a total guess :) )
I just noticed that it happens if you type a few characters in the console, and
then hit the delete key.
Also, it takes an awfuly long time to switch b/w X and the console (although
I assume that has to do w/ the different vmodes..)
Hoping perfection will come soon
--Nelson Abramson
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