patch to get latest XFree 4.0 snapshot (xf3918) to work onppcwithr128

Kostas Gewrgiou gewrgiou at
Tue Mar 14 03:24:18 EST 2000

On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, Michael Schmitz wrote:

> >   Without the BusID line the XServer will disable the pci memory/io
> > for the card, it doesn't matter if fbdev_open_pci is used or not.
> > What probably happens is that even with the BusID defined the xserver
> > still disables your card.
> We'll see if that's a problem; right now it hangs earlier.

  Earlier than what ? The Xserver does its pci magic (badly in this
case it seems) very early, by the time you reach fbdevHWModeInit
its already done.

> > The PCI warnings that you get most likely will tell us where the problem
> > is, can you send the logfile over ?
> Relevant log excerpt:
> (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/libfbdevhw.a
> (II) Module fbdevhw: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
> 	compiled for 4.0, module version = 0.0.1
> (II) FBDev(1): using default device
> (**) FBDev(1): claimed PCI slot 0:17:0
> (WW) ****INVALID MEM ALLOCATION**** b: 0x81000000 e: 0x81ffffff correcting
> own
>         [0] -1  0x81fff000 - 0x81ffffff (0x1000) MXB
> 	[1] -1  0x00000c00 - 0x00000cff (0x100) IXB
> (WW) ****INVALID IO ALLOCATION**** b: 0xc00 e: 0xcff correcting

    Here is the problem, for some reason the xserver doesn't like
the pci mem/io mappings for the card and "corrects" them :(


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