LinuxPPC X Server

Steffen Haeuser SteffenH at
Mon Jul 31 20:21:59 EST 2000

Am 31-Jul-00 schrieb Michel Dänzer:

>Steffen Haeuser wrote:


>> That is really good news :) If anyone had the chance to try it out, please
>> tell so...

>Hold on, I will :)

Great :)

>> if this works, we might even take some of you guys into the Sin Beta Tester
>> programs, if I remember right, we still need a handful of testers (but I
>> have to check with the guy doing the Betatester issues in our company...).

>I for one wouldn't say no...

Hehehe, who would...

>AFAIK the specs for Rage128 aren't publicly available, but there's working
>code in DRI - I'm convinced it will be far more easier to get it working than
>write something new from scratch.

Okay, that's a point...


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