LinuxPPC X Server

Steffen Haeuser SteffenH at
Sat Jul 29 23:31:59 EST 2000


Again me concerning the X Server...

I had yesteday a "critical" discussion concerning the LinuxPPC Version of Sin.
It ended in the question "Do we want to delay the release of the Linux-x86
version because of the LinuxPPC version ?" All present people agreed with "No"
(including myselves). At the end I was asked - which I can of course not
answer, so I am asking for it - "At what *likely* timeframe would be the
problems in the LinuxPPC X Server being fixed, at least as much problems
fixed, that Sin it at least USABLE on LinuxPPC?"

We are not yet completely finished with the coding of Sin, but we are VERY
close to finishing it. And on that meeting was decided "no delaying of the
release". Of course even if Sin for LinuxPPC falls through there is still the
option to release Shogo or other future Linux titles of us for LinuxPPC also.
But I would like to release also Sin for LinuxPPC, as it is the project I am
working on it, and I am the biggest promotor of LinuxPPC in our company...

It might still happen... but what would really help me in my argumentation in
the company to put the LinuxPPC executable "on" would be:

- A bugfix so that Fullscreen 640x480
- A likely timeframe for first 3D Drivers
  to be released, which optimally should
  not be more than 3 months from now

When is the next Beta for the X Server likely to happen, BTW ?

Knowing a likely timeframe would help my argumentation a lot... especially if
that timeframe is not TOO far away in the future...


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