IRQ Blocking Test 0.1.3

Iain Sandoe iain at
Sat Jul 29 08:19:43 EST 2000

Well I've applied this across the machines I've got that boot linux (still
haven't commissioned the G4).

Using Ben's 2.2.17pre13ben2. + IRQ_blocking patch + dmasound patch (separate

The good news - is that it's stable & OK on
G3 beige minitower,
G3 Lombard
604e 9600/233

The bad news is that there are high interrupt latencies across the board:

As Ben suggested would be the case, the Lombard is worst (it's the only one
based on ide) but
all three produce >250 us blocks quite easily (ll_rw_blk.c)

and the
9600 (which *was* until two weeks ago my studio machine - quite capable of
recording 12 channels of 44k audio direct to disk under MacOS) produces
400-700 us in scsi without really trying to load it.

Ah well.

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