Upgraded utils...

Martin Costabel costabel at wanadoo.fr
Sat Jul 15 04:54:15 EST 2000

Iain Sandoe wrote:
> Hi,
> Since I'm working on 2.4.0-testx I upgraded modutils, e2fsprogs and
> util-linux as suggested... (looking at the changes list).

You compiled util-linux yourself?

> Now I have the following behaviour:
> on boot
> "cannot access hardware clock by any known method"

Could be /sbin/hwclock is now a binary that was compiled with
util-linux. This doesn't mean it works, though. Better put the old fake
hwclock shell script there ("/sbin/clock -s"). Or is one now supposed to
create /dev/rtc and use it as on any other architecture?

> on damaged boot partition --- 2.4.0-test4 crashes one in three times on
> reboot :-(

Mine doesn't boot at all, so you are more advanced there :-)

> generally heart-stopping behaviour from fsck saying that is cannot find
> things and then dropping me into manual fsck...
> Is there something else I need to upgrade? or remove?


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