RFC: Changing default partition type for linux/ppc

Charles Stevenson csteven at terraplex.com
Sat Jul 8 01:25:50 EST 2000

I think it's a great idea. I don't use MacOS so I don't share the concern of
how MacOS X could affect the partitions. Equally, I trust if Apple is properly
advised of such a change they would take measures to ensure compatibility.
Linux sells Apple hardware too. ;-)

Best Regards,
Charles Stevenson

On Fri, 07 Jul 2000, Hollis Blanchard wrote:
> Tom Gall wrote:
> >
> > Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> > >
> > > So I suggest moving to Linux_ext2, Linux_swap, or maybe simply Linux and
> > > Linux_swap (since ext2 is not the only filesystem Linux may put on
> > > these). Using a different type for swap would help avoiding confusion.
> >
> > I agree. I think this is a good step. However there's the obvious interoperability
> > problems with MacOS, OS X etc... Hopefully Apple's OSes wouldn't do anything evil
> > to the partition they don't recognize.
> Well, they don't at this point. For example in partitioning tool in
> LinuxPPC 2000, LinuxPPC Inc decided it would be better to use the type
> "Linux_PPC". This works (in that nothing gets overwritten, corrupted,
> etc) but has the disadvantage that no other software knows anything
> about that type.
> If you were writing software it would be pretty poor form to find data
> you didn't understand and decide to "fix" it. I know there are programs
> like that out there (if you look at
> http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/partitions/partition_types-1.html it seems
> there is a rich history of them), but Apple seems to be doing well in
> that regard so far...
> Of course, everything may change with OS X but I would hope they don't
> get malicious all of a sudden.
> -Hollis
  Terra Soft Solutions, Inc.

  Yellow Dog Linux
  "The Ultimate Companion for a Dedicated Server"

  Black Lab Linux
  Advanced Workstations, Parallel, and Embedded Solutions

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