GNU Parted, linuxppc support coming :-)

Andrew Clausen clausen at
Wed Jul 5 07:44:19 EST 2000

Hi all,

I've started hacking on linuxppc (on Macs) support for GNU Parted, a
partition program.  It's like fdisk (or pdisk), but it can also
create, copy and resize file systems that it has special support for.
More info at:

I'm trying to support the Mac partition map, but I'll need some help,
since I don't have a PowerPC :-(

Could someone send me their partition map?  You can get this with:

	# dd if=/dev/hda bs=512 count=MAP-SIZE | gzip | map.gz

If you don't know how big your partition map (+1 for driver block) is,
then 64 should do (?).  (What's a reasonable size for a partition

Note: I'm not adding HFS support at this stage - it's a LOT of work.
So you'll be able to resize ext2 partitions in the near future, but
not HFS partitions :-/  Unless there are some volunteers...

Of course, I'd also be happy very if someone could help with the code,
or just testing :-)

Andrew Clausen

** Sent via the linuxppc-dev mail list. See

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