Debian PReP installer small CD-image.

Kazunori Aoshima aoshimak at
Tue Jan 25 01:45:58 EST 2000

Hi there,

I make a small ISO image for Debian PReP installer.
This is small, PReP bootable, 20MB ISO9660 image
that contains only base2_2.tgz and installer files
for PRePs.

If you burn the image on CD-R, you could install
Debian/powerpc base system more easy, from bootup
to finish base install.

Now I am testing with the installer.
Wait a moment till upload, please.

Best regards.
Kaz Aoshima = PReP station
Material deveropment, Faculty of engineering,
Tohoku University, Japan
E-mail:aoshimak at
#I would appreciate if you could give me suggestions
 for my impolite English expressions.

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