pcmcia on PB G3?

Josh Huber huberj at WPI.EDU
Thu Jan 6 17:10:40 EST 2000

hey, I've seen stuff about this on the list prior to this, but when I go and try to get this working myself, I always get kernel panics.

I've tried using both the debian package (which is version 3.1.8 or pcmcia-cs), and the tarball from sourceforge.org/pcmcia. (in the NEW directory, there is a 3.1.9 which build MUCH better than the tarball form 3.1.8 on said site).

The modules, and cardmgr load fine with no errors, and tells me that it's watching two sockets.

If I try and insert any card (even my DVD decoder card, which it shouldn't do anything with, right?), I get a kernel panic.

What's the best way to capture said panic to disk? Or does someone here know what's going on?

Another thing I've noticed is that when I try a cardctl eject 0/1 it behaves as if the card were ejected, but doesn't eject it.  Does it need to do extra because I've got a  Wallstreet (springloaded ejection)?

My goal is to get the wavelan driver working to use wireless ethernet in Linux (works great in Mac OS! :)  Anyone else have one of these?


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