PowerMac G4 and pcmcia flash cards

Brad Boyer flar at pants.nu
Fri Feb 25 08:01:59 EST 2000

Nelson Abramson wrote:
> >         Do you know what the feasability is of Linux support of Apple's
> > Airport bases and Airport cards?
> I imagine fairly possible...I would guess that with the release of mosX and the
> bsd device drivers for the airport, porting them to *nix would be pretty easy
> (hopefully)....

Well, since Lucent released Linux drivers for the WaveLan cards, I suspect it
is much simpler than waiting for Apple to write drivers for Darwin.  Apple
made an OEM deal with Lucent, so Airport cards have all the same guts as the
original Lucent cards.  In fact, if you rip apart an Airport base station, you
will find a genuine Lucent card in a PCMCIA slot.  There was a web site with
pictures of all the parts from a base station.

	Brad Boyer
	flar at pants.nu

P.S.: The wavelan drivers can be found at http://www.wavelan.com/support/software/
but they claim that they only work with x86 laptops.  The source is there, so it
should be possible to fix for ppc.

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