patch to get latest XFree 4.0 snapshot (xf3918) to work on ppc with r128

Kostas Gewrgiou gewrgiou at
Fri Feb 25 04:48:02 EST 2000

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Kevin Hendricks wrote:

> Hi,
> Yesterday the last Xfree4.0 snapshot was released (xf3.9.18).  Because of all
> of the hard work of Kostas integrating powerpc changes into the official xf 4.0
> tree, the xf3918 snapshot almost builds out of the box and provides wonderful
> Rage128 acceleration at 16bpp and 32bpp.
> The only changes needed were to to add the r128 module to those being
> built on powerpc and a patch to lnxResource.c provided by Kostas.
  Although xfree86 will build (and mostly work) with the provided patch for
lnxResource.c, the patch *is not* correct for ppc, we need to get the info
needed for it at runtime (ioBase etc etc..). Having iobase setup correctly
will allow us to use quite a few unsupported for now drivers (S3 etc..)

> Thanks,
> Kevin

 Kostas Gewrgiou

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