Strange Issues with Lombard & PMU/PMUD

Gabriel Ricard g_ricard at
Wed Feb 23 06:50:13 EST 2000

Ok, I've got a Lombard 400MHz running 2.2.15pre6,
pmud-0.3pre1 on top of YDL Champion Server 1.1. I can
put the system to sleep using Batmon (that came with
pmud) or by closing the lid. It comes out of sleep
just fine when I hit a key, except for resetting the
trackpad options I had previously set, but that is a
documented bug already.

Anyways... After it comes out of sleep I have some
issues with X and GTK, possibly with Enlightenment,
I'm not sure. Here's what happens:

- come out of sleep

- click on the virtual desktop in the gnome panel
pager applet that contains gEdit.

- scroll down a document in gEdit using the arrow key

- regardless of how many times I hit the key it seems
to scroll all the way down

- gtk becomes unstable
        - mouse_over type events are ignored
        - mouse clicking anywhere seems to be

- system monitor panel applet works fine so I know I
haven't locked up.

- cannot click on anything... X is unresponsive to the
mouse (trackpad mouse, or external Intellimouse

At this point if I close the powerbook to put it in
sleep mode and then open it back up and wake it up it
comes back and X is fine.

I have no clue what's going on here, nor how to
properly debug it. If someone would be willing to help
me figure this out I'd greatly appreciate it. It's not
a huge deal, just a minor annoyance since I don't put
my PB to sleep all that much.

Gabriel Ricard
g_ricard at

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