Kernel Gurus Help! Possible kernel bug in conversion of jiffees in nanosleep.

Kevin B. Hendricks khendricks at
Mon Feb 14 03:51:20 EST 2000


>	Maybe submit the question to the glibc-alpha mailinglist as well?

I submitted two bug reports about this via the glibc bug database.

The second report just adds info about the first.

The bug reports are 1597 and 1598.

I have previously fixed pthread_cond_timedwait in glibc 2.1.3 to actually
work recently but a final "cleanup" recently committed patch rewrote things
so that it no longer worked.

The funny thing is that their technique *should* work if the remtime value
from nanosleep would actually decrease and not increase.

So I think the whole thing is actually a kernel bug but I am not sure.

I know nothing about jiffees and their conversion to and from time values
and I am not sure how jiffees could ever grow (lost jiffees added back?).

If anyone who knows something about jiffees and conversions could look at
nanosleep I would greatly appreciate it.



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