Speaking of Mozilla -> Bugs fixed!

phandel at cise.ufl.edu phandel at cise.ufl.edu
Thu Feb 10 03:24:47 EST 2000

I just tried grabbing the newest source code and compiling it, and both of
the major bugs (black screen on resize, and crash on click in url field)
have now been fixed.  I compiled them with CFLAGS = "-O3
-fomit-frame-pointer" and --disable-mailnews --disable-tests
--disable-debug --enable-optimize --enable-x11-shm --enable-strip-libs


Peter F. Handel          "[The anti-Christ] also forced everyone, small and
phandel at cise.ufl.edu      great ... to receive a mark [smart card?] on his
www.cise.ufl.edu/~phandel right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could
FAX: (561) 619-8051       buy or sell unless he had the mark"-Revelation13:16

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