Where can I found information about PReP ?

Denis BEURIVE linux_ppc_user at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 3 14:29:19 EST 2000

Hi everybody,

I used to hack Linux on Intel before and now I must
deal with PowerPc. I have a "basic" question. May be
it will seem stupid but I did not found any
information about the "PReP" stuff.

So the question is: where can I find precise
information about "PReP" ? (books, web, ...).

Note: I have consulted the FAQS. I've seen the word
PReP thousand times but I did not find practical
information. I have used Yahoo and Altavista too ...
but nothing very useful. Is the "PReP" stuff something
top secret ;)

Any help will be greatly appreciated,

Best regards,


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