[RFC] DMAsound 2.4.0-tx => 2.2.17 back-port.

Iain Sandoe iain at sandoe.co.uk
Fri Aug 25 01:52:47 EST 2000

Hi Henry,

> However, on the Pismo it looks like that in additional to the LE
> modes not being set, as previously discussed, the 8bit mode and rate
> parms are also not getting set in the Screamer. The RAW_AFMT_S8_S_44K
> sample sounds like Alvin and the Chipmonks and the lower rate samples
> are just high-speed jibberish. Here's the stest ouput for a couple:

The rate, mode and so is all done in software by the dmasound driver.  The
only hardware assists are: different sample rates (where supported) and
LE/BE swapping.

Oops, my stest instructions were not good enough - you need to tell stest
what the format of the file is:  **It does not look at *any* header

./stest with no params will give you all the options.

>  [henry at osprey stest]$ ./stest -f AFMT_S16_LE_S_44K.wav

./stest -b16 -s -B -r 44100 -f  AFMT_S16_LE_S_44K.wav

(IIRC) would be right here...

and so on...

Sorry, I'll update the web page to point this out.


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