Java JIT status?

Todd Lipcon tlipcon at
Tue Aug 15 06:29:24 EST 2000

Hi all, especially the Java porting team:

	I was wondering what the current state of teh Java1.2 JIT runtime
is. I've recently set up Apache Tomcat 3.1 (servlet, JSP, etc. container)
and fou~nd the performance to be a bit sluggish using the newest 1.2.2
runtime released a couple weeks ago. I have yet to try it with the 1.1.8
JIT (not sure if it's even completely compatible), but I have heard many
reports from the PC world that JIT can yield speed improvements of 10x or
	If it's not in any usable stage, is there any help I can give
without having to undergo the legendary Sun NDA bit? :) I'm half-decent at
C and Java :)


P.S. Please excsuse the bad typing... I'm on a nasty Compaq laptop for the
time being (on vacation, but still mucking with Linux)

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