iMac DV and BootX

John Buswell johnb at
Thu Oct 28 06:11:16 EST 1999


I have a new iMac DV for a few days now and I've been trying to get it to
boot Linux. I think I have narrowed the problem down to something wrong
with BootX. Using BootX 1.2b (in debug mode), I get as far as Exiting
BootX! message, then it clears the screen, but does not produce the
booting... message, it just sits there with a nice blank screen while
still remaining powered up. I had someone try this on an iMac Rev.B and it
produces lots of debug information after the booting.

Does anyone have any ideas why? (or better still, someone with a better
idea of how bootX works that might have some suggestions).

There is a PICT screen shot of the last screen in BootX before the blank
screen, available from:

there is also a file there called imacdv.tgz with a complete dump from
name display registry.. 

i'm hoping to get this working soon as i need the imac booting for a
college project :)


John Buswell
4th Year IT&T Student
University of Limerick

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