Argo UML and LinuxPPC

Randall R Schulz rrschulz at
Wed Oct 13 06:13:41 EST 1999


Well, I've gone through the installation and configuration exercise 
for ArgoUML, version 0.70. Fortunately, I had the same problem as 
you. Fortunately? Yes, since had I not, I wouldn't have searched for 
the solution...

If you're experiencing the same problem as I had, the symptom being a 
complaint about not being able to load ...MetalLookAndFeel.class, 
then the problem is that your display is in a color mode not 
supported by the current Java and / or XF86 server and / or display 
driver. In my case, the driver is Anthony Tong's ATI Rage Pro driver 
("video=aty128fb") in 32 bit-per-pixel mode. Setting the display to 8 
bits allowed ArgoUML to start up fine (even though it made a lot of 
other things ugly--it also made everything faster, of course).

Search the LinuxPPC-User archives for specifics of the problem and 
solutions or workarounds. The following statement appears on 
<>, where the 
LinuxPPC JDKs are made available:

* The current XF68_FBDev Xserver is inconsistent when specifying 
bits-per-pixel, color depth, and color masks. This causes a problem 
running JDK 1.2.X with jfc (swing) classes. A fix is available in the 
form of a source code patch for XF68_FBDev and/or a precompiled 
XF68_FBDev replacement (which needs a revised XF86Config file to 
correctly specify color depths. See the following archive to get the 
required downloads.

I hope this helps.


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