update on macserial/DMA

Benjamin Herrenschmidt bh40 at calva.net
Thu Oct 7 02:25:56 EST 1999

On Wed, Oct 6, 1999, Takashi Oe <toe at unlserve.unl.edu> wrote:

>I've just tried your fix, and, as expected, it causes no harm for PMac
>7600.  Thanks.  It's not a big problem, but I think we don't want the
>"fake" channel to take up "/dev/ttyS3" or such in case another serial
>driver is to be used concurrently.

I beleive this could be acheived by changing line 2404 to pass
zs_channels_found-1. Not pretty but not less than my fix anyway... The
fake zs_soft exist only because of the assumption zs_channel[i] matches
zs_soft[i], I didn't take time to check if this assumption exist only in
the probe code or not. I'll try to do something better next week-end if I
find some spare time.

>I think ehternet/modem combo is only for the US model of PowerBook
>3400/3500.  If Paul had it, the combo should be working a long ago. :)

Yes, you are certainly right ;)

           Perso. e-mail: <mailto:bh40 at calva.net>
           Work   e-mail: <mailto:benh at mipsys.com>
BenH.      Web   : <http://calvaweb.calvacom.fr/bh40/>

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