[Re: X 3.3.5 still Broken]

jeramy b smith ultrapenguin at netscape.net
Sat Oct 2 03:00:55 EST 1999

"Hollis" <hollis at andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:

> What version 3.3.5 is this specifically? XFree86 3.3.5-1.6.0c? The initial
updated XFree86 rpms were 3.3.5-1.6.0a, which have since been replaced.


> Also, what "updates" directory are you referring to? There are no XFree RPMS
at ftp://ftp.linuxppc.org/linuxppc-1999/updates/

Hollis, there was a big announcement about the release of new X 3.3.5 RPMS and
associated files for LinuxPPC 1999. It was on the LinuxPPC security page and
was announced at LinuxToday. Perhaps you just weren't in "the know."

Try going to this directory,


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