
laures at esiea.fr laures at esiea.fr
Sun May 30 23:26:07 EST 1999


I just wanted to know if someone was working on this.

I just compiled the 3.0.9 version with a vger 2.2.10 kernel, and when I
insert a card the machine (WallStreet) hangs (cursor blinking at top
left of the screen).

Otherwise if I put it in at startup time, the kernel dumps a little more
insteresting feedback (kernel access to bad area, pc=...)

The compilation went fine (and given the number of built-in equipment in
Apple laptops) I guess that this problem simply has not been
enlightened. Am I true ?

I'd like to use a 10/100 card from MacSense Tech. BTW, they told me that
teir engineers where "playing" with linux to figure out how difficult
support for this OS would be.

Guillaume Laurès - student @ ESIEA (www.esiea.fr)

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