Good news for the Initio Miles owners

Tom Rini tmrini at
Mon May 24 06:27:48 EST 1999

On Sun, 23 May 1999 laures at wrote:

> I can partition, format, copy/erase stuff -> no problem so far, although
> I'll do some deeper tests (any advice on extensive tests, benchmarking
> etc ?)

10 large copy/erase/repeats at a time for an hour or so,  then force an

> My advice is to keep it as a module, and then do as root "insmod
> /lib/module/2.2.6/scsi/initio.o".
> If not, the order of the HDs will change (sda, sdb etc...) and the
> system may not boot at all

That's just due to the search order.  For some odd reason, we go by
what's attached to what (inito before, mesh, before nc53c94(?)).  But if
the driver becomes useable and stable, just change your /etc/fstab to
reflect the new order. :)
Tom Rini (TR1265)

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